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Some countries in Europe have higher tax rates than the US, some have lower.

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Q: Who has higher taxes America or Europe?
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The taxes on gasoline are higher in Europe.

Are the taxes higher in the United States or in Weston Europe?

There are many different types of tax. Some are higher in Europe and some are lower.

Can you avoid taxes on an inherited annuity?

No, in Australia, America and most of Europe there are certain taxes that affect inherited annuities.

Are there more people living in Europe or North America?

There are more people living in Europe. North America is large but their are also more countries in EUrope with higher populations

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Egyptians moved to America to get Americans money because they know they dont have to pay taxes..But what if us as Americans visit or move to Egypt,we will probably be like what are they saying.Also taxes is 95% higher too.

The forced payments sent to the pharaoh by conquered people are called?

Tribute if you are talking about Egypt but Taxes if you are talking about America or Europe.

Taxes Obama compared with McCain?

Higher, higher taxes for richer people, lower taxes for poor people.

What taxes are higher corporate or income taxes?

income taxes

Who ranks higher a Head or a Director?

In the United States of America, the producer can be higher or even to the director. In Europe, especially in France and Germany, directors are definitely higher than producers.

Is voting in America higher than in Europe?

No. A higher percentage of Europeans vote compared to Americans. For example, Italy has the largest voter percentage turn out with about 92%.

Which continent is smallest North America South America or Europe?

The continents by area are: * Asia * Africa * North America * South America * Antarctica * Europe * Australia.

What did Europe trade to America?

europe traded america