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Athens built it's city-state on intellectualism. They valued education and philosophy above all else. They did have a strong military and all males had to attend two years of military school once they turned 18 years old. Sparta was a military city-states. Spartan boys were sent to military school at the age of 7, and spent years enduring harsh training and conditions.

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10y ago
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13y ago

That depends on what you think makes a life more simple, Athens was traditionally more concerned about politics and Sparta more concerned with warfare, they were very culturally different

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8y ago

Sparta had a simpler life than Athens in the sense that there was little variety. But, it was harsh and demanding -- life in Sparta was limited to obedience and war.

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9y ago

They both kept slaves in their colinie

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Q: Who had a simpler life Athens or Sparta?
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