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Genocide really demoralizes a society. In most cases a whole generation is usually cut off. The people who suffer more are usually children and women.

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10y ago
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13y ago

It affects all humans because genocide is a crime against humanity and those responsible for genocide should be persecuted for commiting crimes against humanity.

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11y ago

It, by defenition, eliminates societies.

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It really did not have a huge affect on the world. The UN came to help but that was it. Their were the UNAMIR efforts to help. The genocide in Rwanda was left in Rwanda and neither the U.S or Europe clamed to help.

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Genocide Genocide

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The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian genocide.

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The genocide symbol represents genocide. No surprises there.

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Yes genocide is a prime example of how cultural prejudices impact society.

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The Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide and the Armenian genocide.

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Who decided the Cambodian genocide is a genocide?

Typically, a genocide is "certified" by leading academics when a set of circumstances in the world qualifies under the definition of genocide. This is exactly what happened in the Cambodian genocide.