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The first recorded astronomy was by Ancient Egyptian Astronomers in c.2500 A.D.
1,254,478 years ago, the caveman named "Ugggh the caveman" happened to be at the top of a tree while a saber-toothed tiger prowled around below. Ugggh had never been out after dark; after all, part of the caveman code of conduct required all cavepeepul to be IN their caves before sunset. But today, he had wisely decided to remain in the tree after dark instead of leaping into the tiger's belly!

Instead of seeing only rocks in the dark roof of the cave, there were strange lights in the sky! First one, then another, then three, then.... Alas, Ugggh didn't know any numbers bigger then three, so he said "Stars above, those are MANY little lights in the sky!" And so he decided to name them 'stars".

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Stars were first seen by early cavemen, but they were confused about it and just thought they were normal lights very high. Many years later, the Greeks invented the telescopes and with the help of the telescopes they studies about the stars. They also found out the process of the birth of stars and death.

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Q: Who discovered stars?
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The Virgo Cluster. Possible.

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No. We know what the stars are. They are not planets. They are distant suns, many of which do have undiscovered planets.

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How many types of sea stars are there?

There is about 1800 but maybe even more to be discovered :)

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1/6 the pull on Earth