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Francis Smith and Richard Smith were Captain John Smith's two brothers. Alice Smith was his one sister.

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Herminia Hayes

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What was captain john smiths famous quotes?

"He who does not work, Does not eat."

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No. Captain Smiths home was in Marine Terrace in Liverpool,England.

Was Pocahontas a life saver?

Yes because she saved captain John smiths life

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Pocahontas has only saved john smith's life once

What is captain john smiths parents names?

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What was captin john smiths religion?

Captain John Smith is noted to be of the Christian Faith. He is associated with the Colony of Jamestown, one of the first permanent Colonies in the New World.

What is John smiths hometown?

John smiths home town is England

What was captain smiths first name?

off of the titanic it was captain edward smith.

What was Captain John Smiths Famous Motto?

hey i need to know if john smith's motto effective homework due tomorrow. The answer is this: To overcome is to live.