wouldn't it be gymnastics? I dont know why you would ask this question but yeah, its gymnastics
Connie expressed interest in wanting a trampoline. That may be an indication that she at least admires the sport of gymnastics. If you want to ask the question a link to her fan email is provided below.
go ask a scientist
The subject of gymnastics could be turned into a great question by asking about particular gymnasts or events. For example, one question could be: Which country was awarded the gold medal for women's gymnastics in the 2008 Olympics?
You could, but if I were you I would go to your local gymnastics place/gym and ask a manager or someone at a front desk to get details about learning gymnastics.
"I would FLIPif you went to HOCO with me"
Is this a serious question? Soccer is the most popular sport in the world
She told you to ask the question. Well, you didn't ask the question so she asked the question. But it's your fault if you don't know for sure if she asked the question.
Gymnastics is a very old sport, so the answer to that question is unknown. From what I've been able to find, there was not one first modern gymnast, but several.
You can ask a question on your phone by simply going to the site in which you want to ask a question and then you click on the ask question button and then you post your question.
If you want to get into gymnastics, ask a parent or adult to sign you up in a gymnasium that is near your neighborhood.
you don't have to ask a question