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Q: Who can legally search a paralyzed wheelchair bound person?
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Is there a good resource for finding used wheelchair vans for sale?

If you search on Ebay you will be able to search nationwide for used wheelchair vans

How long do you have to get your vehicle before they can legally search?

Legally search for WHAT?

Where can I find good used wheelchair accessible van online?

Perform a search on Ebay for a ood used wheelchair accessible van

Where can I find used wheelchair vans for sale in the state of Ohio?

You can go to Search for wheelchair vans in Ohio and you should get a listing.

What dose search warrant mean?

It is a court order legally allowing law enforcement to enter and search a particular premise or piece of real estate in search of a particular person, evidence or contraband.

Can a male cop legally search a woman?

Yes, if he otherwise has legal reasons to search her.

location of repair shop for wheelchair van?

There are places that can repair wheelchair vans. You can go online and find a local van wheelchair repair shop for your location. I also have a website listed here that could possibly help you in your search. It is

How do you search on hot or not?

It completely depends on person to person . If a person want to search Hot then he will search Hot. Person B may search Not.

Can police legally put their foot in your door during a search or arrest?

No, police cannot legally put their foot in your door during a search or arrest without a warrant or your consent.

Who sells affordable, top-quality wheelchair stair lifts in the Northwest?

There are several locations that sell wheel chair stairlifts. You can use a search engine to find the nearest wheelchair stair lift provider in your area.

Can the police legally take your keys during a search or investigation?

Yes, the police can legally take your keys during a search or investigation if they have a valid reason to do so, such as searching a vehicle or property for evidence.

Can an employer legally search an employee's purse?

No, unless the employer is the police.