The Catholic parish priest of Calamba, Laguna, Rev. Rufino Collantes, baptized Jose Rizal three days after his birth.
Jose Rizal was baptized by Father Rufino Collantes at the Catholic Church of Calamba in the Philippines.
Jose Rizal was baptized on June 22, 1861, at the Calamba Catholic Church in Laguna, Philippines, with the name Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo.
Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines.
Below are the siblings of Jose Rizal in order of birth: Saturnina Rizal Paciano Rizal Narcisa Rizal Olimpia Rizal Lucia Rizal Maria Rizal Jose Rizal Concepcion Rizal Josefa Rizal Trinidad Rizal Soledad Rizal
The complete name of Jose Rizal is Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
The national hero of the Philippines, Jose Rizal, is often referred to as "Pepe."
Jose Rizal was baptized on June 22, 1861
Jose Rizal was baptised at the Catholic Church of his home town Calamba, Laguna on June 22, 1861.
Jose Rizal was baptized on June 22, 1861, at the Calamba Catholic Church in Laguna, Philippines, with the name Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo.
The godfather of Jose Rizal was Don Francisco Mercado, his father. Rizal was baptized with the name Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda. His godfather played an important role in his life and upbringing.
Jose Rizal was baptized at St. John the Baptist by Fr. Rufino Collates.from Wikipedia:Rizal was christened at the church which we now call Saint John the Baptist Parish on June 22, 1861 when he was only three days old. The church was just across Rizal's house which we refer to now as the Jose Rizal Shrine. He was baptized by Rev. Fr. Rufino Collantes and Rev. Fr. Pedro Casanas stood as his godfather.
accomplishment of Jose rizal
Jose Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines.
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
Below are the siblings of Jose Rizal in order of birth: Saturnina Rizal Paciano Rizal Narcisa Rizal Olimpia Rizal Lucia Rizal Maria Rizal Jose Rizal Concepcion Rizal Josefa Rizal Trinidad Rizal Soledad Rizal
The complete name of Jose Rizal is Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
The full name of Jose Rizal is Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda.
Francisco Mercado was the father of Jose Rizal.