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who decided to sentd a petitoion to king george the third a petiton to repeal the acts

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Q: Who asked king george to repeal the intolerable acts?
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What was the Olive Branche Petition?

A letter written by the Second Continental Congress to King George, addressing colonial problems and also a last resort to avoid futher bloodshed in the americas. A Petition sent to King George III to repeal the Intolerable Acts In the Olive Branch Petition they declared their loyalty to the king and asked him to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

What letter was sent to King George the third asking him to repeal The Intolerable Acts?

The olive branch

When King George was asked to end The Intolerable Acts what resulted?

The acts were not ended

What happen when king george III was asked to end the intolerable acts?

the acts were not ended

When King George III was asked to end the Intolerable Acts what resulted?

The acts were not ended

What was the last attempts of the Americans to appeal to king george to repeal The Intolerable Acts and prove their loyalty?

Olive Branch Petition

What is the document that colonist is pledged their loyalty to King George and asked him to repeal the Intolerable acts?

First Continental Congress wrote the Declaration of Rights

Why did colonist expect parliament to repeal the intolerable acts?

Colonists expected Parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts because they said they had no representatives in congress.

What 2 acts did parliament repeal before the revolutionary war?

the quatering act and intolerable

Why did colonists think a ban on trade would force parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts?

Trade with the colonies was economically important to Great Britain. The colonists thought the economic implications would be enough for the British Parliament to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

When did the intolerable acts happened?

The Intolerable Acts began in 1764, a year after George III became king. They ended in 1776.

Where was the intolerable acts?

Where "were" the intolerable acts? They were in America and King George III of Great Britain created them to punish the colonies.