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They are people, people just like you and me, only, they have a famous brother and well you know not many people can say that now can they, oh wait nowadays it is more common but oh well.

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Marielle Hane

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3y ago
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Q: Who are zidane brother and sister?
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Your sister-in-law is either the wife of your brother or the sister of your spouse. Your brother-in-law is either the husband of your sister or the brother of your spouse. So your brother-in-law's wife is either your sister or is not related to you. Some people incorrectly refer to a brother-in-law's wife as a sister-in-law.

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he did have brother and sister he had two sister and he had 1 brother

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Niece is to nephew as sister is to brother.

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You don't call your brother's sister your aunt. Your brother's sister is your sister, or you. Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father.

How are you reated to your sister's husband's brother?

You are not related to your sister's husband's brother. However, her husband is your brother-in-law and his brother is your sister's brother-in-law.

Does James Maslow have a brother or a sister?

Yes he sure does!!! a sister and a brother (i know the sister!!)