The actor with the star at 6667 Hollywood Boulevard is Gene Autrey.He is the celebrity with the most "stars" on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. His five stars are located at 6644, 6520, 6384, 6667, and 7000 Hollywood Boulevard,
this question calls into effect "opinion" and is then not able to be answered properly.
The Beatles had the most (20), and Elvis Presley is second (18).
The world famous home of many movie stars in located in Southern California near Los Angeles. It is not the only city named Hollywood in the United States but is the one most people mean when they say, "I'm going to Hollywood"
The Chinese theater
Yes, most of them do with huge, blowout parties.
Though there are many reputable rehab clinics in the U.S., arguable the most famous is the Betty Ford Clinic. In the past this has been the clinic of choice for many of Hollywood's biggest stars.
Internet Movie Database is the most up-to-date source of information on Hollywood stars, although there are many other places that this information can be found, including RottonTomatoes and FilmBug.
He is one of the most famous Hollywood actors and directors.
it is one of the most famous theaters
The most famous Hollywood is in California, but there are towns called Hollywood throughout the U.S., as in Indiana and Alabama.
In general, the film and television stars of Hollywood, Burbank, and the Los Angeles area. As to which of them is the "most famous" it would be impossible to determine objectively. The most famous historical residents were the "Forty-niners" (49ers) of the Gold Rush of 1849. Many flocked to the state after its cession by Mexico, seeking gold found at various locations in the state.