The most famous samurai who is known for being undefeated is Miyamoto Musashi; some other famous samurai are Saito Hajime, Sakamomto Ryoma, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide.........there are more but I think you get the picture.
one of the most famous samurai is minamoto no yoshiie
Hiro from Heroes... he was a samurai hero when he traveled back in time.
Samurai were famous warriors of old Japan.
Tomoe Bozen
katanawakizashiyumiyarikanaboTantoAll these are very famous samurai weapons (originated in japan) which were used in fighting.
The most expensive sword is a 13th century samurai sword that sold for $418,000 at an auction
Samurai Warrior
There are a few that I know Miyamoto MusashiTomoe GozenNasu no Yoichi
•Battle of Nagashino •Battle of Shitaragahara :D
The Six Samurai are a series of Yu-Gi-Oh monsters representing a famous band of samurai warriors, as well as a few associated characters like their grandmaster. Legendary Six Samurai are the previous generation of Six Samurai, and you can see that they still exist in the present time, ie, Legendary Six Samurai Shi En -> Great Shogun Shien, Legendary Six Samurai Enishi -> Enishi - Shien's Chancellor, Legendary Six Samurai Kageki -> Chamberlain of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Mizuho -> Hand of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Shinai -> Spirit of the Six Samurai, Legendary Six Samurai Kizan -> Grandmaster of the Six Samurai.
Maybe the Chinese.... Or the Samurai.... Most likely the Samurai...
a sword