Yes the amazon river dolphin and the pink amazon river dolphin the same just because one is pink doesn't mean anything.
Amazon River Dolphins aka the boto dolphin
in the amazon river
yes they do live in the amazon other dolphins do to like the pink dolphin
The Amazon River Dolphin.
The amazon river dolphin gets along with otters, stingrays, and electric eels.
they do
The carnivorous Amazon dolphin and piranha reside in the waters of the Amazon.
A full grown amazon river dolphin can grow up to 20 feet
The Boto or Amazon River Dolphin The Franciscana or La Plata River Dolphin The Baiji or Yangtze River Dolphin The Ganges River Dolphin or Susu (Platanista gangetica), The Indus River Dolphin (Platanista minor)
A Pink (river) dolphin is another name for the Boto, or Amazon River dolphin. Its scientific name is Inia geoffrensis.
The river dolphin is not extinct. They can be found in the Mekong river and the Amazon river.