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All weeks have the same number of days which is 7, that's why a group of 7 consecutive days is known as "a week". A week usually refers to the 7 days from Monday through to Sunday but can also refer to any 7 consecutive day period.

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Q: Which week has the fewest days?
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In our solar system - fewest = Mercury (87.9691 days); most = Neptune ( 164.79 years) Note: - Pluto is not longer regarded as a planet.

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Mercury orbits the sun in the fewest number of days, completing one orbit approximately every 88 Earth days.

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Should you say ''what days of the week'' or ''which days of the week''?

Both "what days of the week" and "which days of the week" are correct; however, "which days of the week" is typically used when the choices are limited, while "what days of the week" is more open-ended.

Which month has the fewest number of days?

February, with 28 days, or 29 in leap years. All the other months have 30 or 31 days.

Seven days in the week or seven days in a week?

Seven days in a week is more generally used than seven days in the week, except if in reference to a specific week such as 'the seven days in the week' when referring to a specific week, such as the week before Christmas.

How many days a week have?

There are 7 days in a week and there is 4 weeks in a month