

Which weapons were used in the navel warfare?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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in B.C times the ships would ram each other. each ship would create massive speed and ram each other with big bronze rams. (Triramine etc)

boarding and setting fire to the ships using pots that contained pitch and then shooting them as they landed with fire arrows

even before this time cave men would have little canoes and throw rocks at each other

With the introduction of gunpowder have cannons !

this was : boarding the enemy ship using grappling hooks

shooting down the enemy's Mast using chain-shot, killing enemy crew using grapeshot

or shooting the thing until the ship sank, or you hit the gunpowder stores (

then we have the ballistics we had during the world wars. ie: massive 5inch to 16inch cannons that fired shells that would pierce decks and explode. sometimes the crew members had to calculate and take the curvature of the earth into the equations because they could fire so far)

also used during this period was submarines and torpedoes ( sneaky things )

to defeat submarines, destroyers ( smaller warships) using depth charges that exploded when the charge reached a certain depth

to a submarine, sound was everything. using SONAR, ships could hear you, and you could hear them. travel very slowly and down talk to loudly (seriously) and enemy ships with sonar listeners could not hear you.

if you had very well trained special forces ( like today) you could board a enemy ship or blow them up without being seen.

Then in ww2 aircraft carriers came about and replaced battleships(huge warships) as the principle biggest, dangerous ship around because the aircraft could attack other ships without being at risk and still support land operations by sending aircraft. this method ( and more advanced tactics with Aircraft carriers) were used.

Then in the cold war, cruise missiles developed and they can be launched from a submarine and hit a target hundreds of kilometres away. attach a nuclear bomb to the cruise missile and say goodbye to your navy, cities, armies. whatever is in the radius at the time.

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