The two oceans that surround the US are the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
i hope that answers your question. :)
God bless :)
The contiguous 48 states of the U.S. are bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.
The state of Alaska is bordered on the south by the Pacific Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean.
Thw three oceans wich surround Asia are the pacific ocean and the Indian ocean and the north frozen ocean ( near the north pole).
There are two oceans that border Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean and the West by the Atlantic Ocean.
the red sea
It is important to know the Oceans of the world .The Indian and Southern Ocean do not touch the North American Continent.
Pacific Ocean and Atlantic ocean
The two seas that surround Barbados are the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
There are two oceans which surround the state of Florida. The Atlantic Ocean borders Florida on the Eastern side and the Gulf of Mexico on the western side.
the arctic ocean and the Atlantic Ocean surround Europe
The Atlantic and the Pacific
The Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Indian Ocean to the east.
Alaska is surrounded by two oceans [Arctic and Pacific], and two seas [Bering and Chukchi].
both north America and south America border on two oceans