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IMAP supports both connected and disconnected modes of operation. E-mail clients using IMAP generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. This and other facets of IMAP operation allow multiple clients to access the same mailbox. Most e-mail clients support either POP3 or IMAP to retrieve messages; however, fewer internet Service Providers (ISPs) support IMAP. IMAP4 offers access to the mail store; the client may store local copies of the messages, but these are considered to be a temporary cache; the server's store is authoritative. E-mail messages are generally sent to an e-mail server that stores received messages in the recipient's e-mail mailbox. The user later retrieves these messages with either a web browser or an e-mail client that uses one of a number of e-mail retrieval protocols. While some clients and servers preferentially use vendor specific, typically proprietary protocols, most support the Internet standard protocols SMTP for sending e-mail and POP3 and IMAP4 for retrieving e-mail, allowing interoperability with other servers and clients. For example, Microsoft's Outlook client typically uses a proprietary protocol to communicate with an Exchange server as does IBM's Notes client when communicating with a Domino server, but all of these products also support SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4. Support for the Internet standard protocols allows many other e-mail clients such as Qualcomm's Eudora or Mozilla Thunderbird (see comparison of e-mail clients) to access these servers and similarly allows the clients to be used with other servers (see list of mail servers). E-mail clients can generally be configured to use either POP3 or IMAP4 to retrieve e-mail and in both cases use SMTP for sending. Most e-mail programs can also use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for directory services. Nearly all subscribers to individual Internet service provider e-mail accounts access their e-mail with client software that uses POP3.[citation needed] IMAP is often used in large networks; for example, a college campus mail system. IMAP allows users to access new messages instantly on their computers, since the mail is stored on the network. With POP3, users either download the e-mail to their computer or access it via the web. Both methods take longer than IMAP, and the user must either download any new mail or "refresh" the page to see the new messages.

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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

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Q: Which protocol is used to send email either from a client to a server or from a server to another server?
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What proxy server can?

A proxy server speaks the client side of a protocol to another server. This is often required when clients have certain restrictions on which servers they can connect to.

Describe the ways in which the request-reply protocol masks the heterogeneity of operating systems and of computer networks?

An efficient request-reply protocol for a client-server communication and data processing model. Under the novel protocol, a client sends a Request to a server and awaits a Reply. If the Reply is not sent before expiration of a timeout period in the client, the client sends a second Request. The server provides a conditional Acknowledge if a second Request is received from the client. Thereafter, the client waits for the server to transmit a Reply without the client sending additional Requests. Under normal conditions, the inventive protocol performs as well as the best prior art protocol (the optimistic model), while under abnormal conditions, the inventive protocol performs better than the optimistic protocol and only slightly worse than the prior art pessimistic protocol. Since normal conditions should prevail for a substantially longer amount of time than abnormal conditions, the present invention provides better average performance than either prior art client-server protocol.

What is the meaning of socks?

Other than the ordinary meaning, SOCKS (SOCKet Secure) is an internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server.

What are the client server model and Give 3 examples of services on Linux systems that take advantage of this model?

FTP, NFS, DNS, email, and HTTP (the web browsing protocol) all rely on client server model.

What is Cute FTP?

Cute FTP is a FTP client (used to connect to a server). FTP is a point-to-point protocol used for file transfert (FTP meaning File Transfert Protocol).

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A proxy server speaks the client side of a protocol to another server. This is often required when clients have certain restrictions on which servers they can connect to.

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POP (Post Office Protocol) - The protocol that an e-mail server and client usewhen the client requests the downloading of e-mailmessages.

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An efficient request-reply protocol for a client-server communication and data processing model. Under the novel protocol, a client sends a Request to a server and awaits a Reply. If the Reply is not sent before expiration of a timeout period in the client, the client sends a second Request. The server provides a conditional Acknowledge if a second Request is received from the client. Thereafter, the client waits for the server to transmit a Reply without the client sending additional Requests. Under normal conditions, the inventive protocol performs as well as the best prior art protocol (the optimistic model), while under abnormal conditions, the inventive protocol performs better than the optimistic protocol and only slightly worse than the prior art pessimistic protocol. Since normal conditions should prevail for a substantially longer amount of time than abnormal conditions, the present invention provides better average performance than either prior art client-server protocol.

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SMTP is push protocol, stateful protocol which is used for sending Mails from Client to Client or Server to Server. Generally SMTP uses the encryption method of 7bit or 8bit ISCII but HTTP dose not use that. HTTP is pull protocol which is preferred for sites demand and this is stateless protocol.