Newcastle to Sunderland = 12.7 miles.
No way! Newcastle have won every single game against Sunderland. And I support Man City not Newcastle or Sunderland!
Here Newcastle are clearly better then Sunderland.
Sunderland AFC
can you buy tickets for any events in newcastle sunderland?
ivor brodios, bob mccay, pop Robinson
Answer Newcastle is about 13.5 miles from Sunderland. You would probably be in Gateshead, or crossing the Tyne.
Going on average gates - Newcastle.
Newcastle United
sunderland are obviousley 14th in the league table leaving Newcastle 18th macking sunderland obviousley better. and as for middelsbough i carn`t count that high. sunderland are obviousley 14th in the league table leaving Newcastle 18th macking sunderland obviousley better. and as for middelsbough i carn`t count that high.