The revolution period for the planet Jupiter is 11.86 years. It completes its rotation within 9.8 hours compared to Earth's 24 hours.
Jupiter is the planet that rotates the fastest. It completes one rotation on its axis every 9.9 hours, and is also the biggest.
Sometimes the words 'revolution' and 'rotation' are used in different ways; 'revolution' might sometimes be used to refer to the spin of the earth on its axis. It is probably clearer to have a standard understanding of the words to avoid confusion. Rotation refers to the day-night producing spin of the planet on its axis, and revolution normally refers to the orbital movement of the planet around the sun. The earth does complete one full [sidereal] rotation in just a little under 24 hours. The time is close to 23 hours 56 minutes 4.1 seconds.
A planet's revolution is its orbit around the sun. A planet's rotation is its movement about its axis. For example, the Earth's revolution around the sun takes 365.26 days, and its period of rotation is 24 hours.
The planet Mars rotates on its axis, making a single revolution every 24.6 hours. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, and is nicknamed the Red Planet.
Mars has a longer revolution period compared to Earth, taking about 687 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. Its elliptical orbit causes significant variations in distance from the Sun, leading to temperature fluctuations. Mars' revolution is slightly tilted, resulting in distinct seasonal changes on the planet.
Ceres has a rotation period of about 9 hours, meaning it completes one full rotation on its axis in that amount of time. Its revolution period around the sun is approximately 4.6 Earth years, as it orbits the sun at an average distance of about 2.8 astronomical units.
With respect to the sun, it takes a day. Because the sun moves slightly through the zodiac over the course of the year, it takes very slightly less with respect to the stars: about 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.