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Q: Which place did alexander conquer without fighting a battle?
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What cities did Alexander the Great conquer?

Alexander the Great didn't conquer cities, unless you are talking about the Greek city states he conquered to unite Greece under his hegemony. Alexander conquered the Persian Empire and took over all its holdings which included Egypt and capitulated without a battle, and then fought Porus in modern day Pakistan with intentions to push forward into India.

Why was Alexander so important to the Hellenistic Culture What did Alexandria have that brought people to it?

As Alexander was a world conquer and was never defeated in battle. He spread Hellenstic culture, the Greek culture.

Who was fighting who in the Battle of Hastings?

The Normans (French) were fighting the Anglo-saxons (English)

When did Alexander the great and his father Phillip the second of Macedonia conquer the rest of Greece?

Philip II and his son Alexander III (the Great) and their Greek allies met Athens and their Greek allies at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC where Macedonia and its allies were victorious and the hegemony of a united Greece transferred to them.

What lands did Alexander the great conquer in chronological order?

Alexander the Great first helped his father to conquer Greece at the Battle of Charonea in 338 BCE. After his fathers death in 336 BCE, he began his conquest of Persia. He conquered Baalbek in Asia minor then Ephesos. He then defeated Darius III at the Battle of Issos. He then conquered Sidon and Aleppo. In 332 he conquered Syria then went on to Egypt in 331 BCE. After Egypt he conquered Phoenicia. In 327 BCE he moved on to India and conquered the land up to the Indus river.

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At what battle did Alexander the Great finally conquer Persia?


How did Alexander conquer Achaemenid Empire?

He defeated the Persians at the battle of issus.

Why was the battle between Alexander and darius at issus a significant turning point for Alexander?

Battle of the issues, Alexander then because more harsh and started to go on a killing streak and tried to conquer all the places he could

What cities did Alexander the Great conquer?

Alexander the Great didn't conquer cities, unless you are talking about the Greek city states he conquered to unite Greece under his hegemony. Alexander conquered the Persian Empire and took over all its holdings which included Egypt and capitulated without a battle, and then fought Porus in modern day Pakistan with intentions to push forward into India.

Why was Alexander so important to the Hellenistic Culture What did Alexandria have that brought people to it?

As Alexander was a world conquer and was never defeated in battle. He spread Hellenstic culture, the Greek culture.

What are Alexander the great's interests?

sword fighting, reading, battle practice, horse back riding, you know thats an educated guess

Which was the agreement that was titled Fath-hum-Mubeen' without fighting a battle?

Treaty of Hudaibiya.

In the battle of Saratoga what were they fighting for?

In the battle of saratoga, they were fighting for independence.

Who was fighting who in the Battle of Hastings?

The Normans (French) were fighting the Anglo-saxons (English)

What battle was Alexander the Great in when in died?

Alexander the Great wasnt fighting when he died he was walking toward one of the places he had already conqered when he collasped and died many bielive he was poisened but it hasn't been proven

When was The Battle of Alexander at Issus created?

The Battle of Alexander at Issus was created in 1529.

What were the crusades fighting for and who were they fighting against?

The Crusades were the battle and a battle does not fight, soldiers in the battle fight. If your question was asking what the Crusaders were fighting for and who they were fighting against see the below link.