How long does training take for a sports photographer?
Four years, if you want to be a staff photographer for a
newspaper in a city with a pro sports team or a major university,
an Associated Press staff photographer or a photographer for a
sports magazine. All those people have Bachelor of Arts degrees in
Journalism and Mass Communications.
Who is James Nachtwey?
He is a photographer for Times Magazine.
What are you called when you take photos for a magazine?
Gordon Parks was the first African-American photographer. He
shot for many popular magazines such as Life and Vogue
What kind of work did Dwayne Johnson mother do?
She was a wrestling magazine photographer
What kind of job is paparazi?
A pushy and unscrupulous photographer for a magazine or
What do you have to do to be a national geographic photographer?
You need to be an exceptional wildlife photographer who has won
awards and who has submitted their work to the magazine. Very few
photographer's pictures make it to National Geographic.