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3 bags full :)

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On its skin

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Q: How much wool did the black sheep have?
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Related questions

Which part of the black sheep have wool?

The entire body of a black sheep is covered in wool, just like any other sheep. The wool can vary in color, with black sheep producing black wool.

What do you get of a black sheep on FarmVille?


What sells for more money.a black sheep or a white sheep?

White since the wool tends to be higher quality than the wool from a black sheep. Also white wool can be dyed a multitude of colours.

Which part of black sheep has wool?

The skin

Does the bible mention black wool?

No. Not even black sheep.

What to do with black sheep on Farmville on Facebook?

Harvest wool

What do you do with an ink sac in minecraft?

You can dye wool or sheep black with it.

Does baa baa black sheep really have wool?


What it the possessive from of this quote of wool of the sheep?

The possessive form of "wool of the sheep" is "the sheep's wool".

Why are sheeps wool white?

Most sheep are white, but there are other colors. The second most common color is black. And white ones can have white OR black faces.

How many bags of wool did the black sheep have?

The popular nursery rhyme "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" mentions the black sheep having three bags of wool - one for the master, one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

Who was baa baa black sheep's first bag of wool for?

The master.