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The main use of transistors in electronic circuits is as switches and memory storage

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The main function of a transistor is to amplify a signal. Two legs of it can also be used as a diode.

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Q: What is the main work of transistors in an electronic circuit?
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How do circuits work step by step?

1) Electrons flow from a positive to a negative voltage source. 2) The path taken by the electrons through the circuit depends on the resistance of the various circuit elements. 3) Sensors attached to the circuit provide real world inputs and outputs. 4) All circuits are made using transistors. Transistors act like taps. Open the tap with a small amount of effort (a few electrons) allows a large volume of water (a large number of electrons) to flow. Analog circuits (e.g. Amplifiers) work by varying the amount of how open the tap is. Digital circuits (e.g. Computers) work by switching taps fully on or off.

How does a broken wire affect a series circuit?

because the circuit is not a full circuit so it wont work!

How does a circuit board work?

A circuit board or more precisely a printed circuit board (PCB) is a mechanical structure that provides support for mounting electronics and electrical components and connecting them with conducting traces or wires. PCBs are designed to perform a specific electrical or logical function. So what and how a circuit works will depend on its design. e.g. a circuit board in a TV processes audio/video TV signals. An audio amplifier circuit board amplifies and makes audio signals louder. Similarly various circuit boards in a Personal Computer perform different functions e.g. PC mother board, TV tuner card, USB/Firewire Card, Graphics cards are all circuit boards and perform different tasks. All of them need power (typically a DC voltage) for various components and circuits to work.

What is the work of computer?

Computer is an electronic device. It was invented by Charles Babbage. To solve our problems make are work easier and faster. We can find any information about anything. We can paint, make our assingentments.

Examples of active and passive elements?

active element means that does not work itself it require external power source for working ie electricity or other and passive element means that work ifself does not equire external power source for working ie electricity or other eg. active- compressor need electricity, also tv,computer etc passive- thermometer sens temperature itself (mercury thermometer)

Related questions

What device works in an electrical circuit?

any R L C combination when work in a circuit act like an electrical circuit... on other hand use of diodes, transistors, ICs are when used are counted in electronic circuits.

Why do you use resistors and capacitors in any electronic circuit?

because their effects are desired to make the circuit work

Can you use electronic circuit as a load?

If you are just using the load to pull a small amount of current, then yes a electronic circuit can be used for that. If you want a resistive load to measure voltage drop or something similar, then no an electronic circuit will usually not work for that.

What is an ac transistors?

As far as I know, transistors - and other electronic devices - basically work with DC, not AC. If a computer (for example) is plugged into an AC outlet, some device within the computer must first convert the AC current into DC current, which is then fed to the electronic components.

Why electronic circuits work at 24volts?

A circuit is designed to work at a specific voltage and that voltage only.

How does mobile keypad work?

mobile keypad really tine thing you push batten on the pad, circuit is complete and work

What are the components in a circuit?

The main components in a circuit are a power source (such as a battery), conductive wires or traces, resistors to limit current, capacitors to store charge, inductors to store energy in a magnetic field, and electronic components such as transistors and diodes for controlling current flow. These components work together to create a pathway for electrical current to flow and perform desired functions within the circuit.

How did colossus work without transistors?

There were vacuum tubes before transistors

What has to be in plce for a circuit to work?

For a circuit to work, it needs a power source (such as a battery), conductive pathways (wires or circuit traces), a load (such as a light bulb or motor), and components like resistors, capacitors, and transistors to control the flow of electricity. Additionally, the circuit must be closed or complete, meaning that there is a continuous pathway for the electricity to flow.

When power fails in electronic circuit where do l start tracing fault?

Start at the supply and work toward the load.

Why is computer internal components designed to use DC?

Transistors are the main working computer components. They either allow electricity to pass through or not pass through. They are either on or off. To work, they must allow electricity to go only one way. Sometimes transistors are attached to an AC circuit. Still they only let DC electricity come out. They are either on or off and only allow electricity to go one way.

What is a circuit and what does it need to work?

A circuit is a closed loop through which an electric current can flow. To work, a circuit needs a power source (such as a battery), conductive materials to carry the current (such as wires), and components like resistors, capacitors, and transistors to control the flow of electricity.