Any number which has the same digits from left to right than from right to left. Here are some examples: 1, 11, 353, 1125211
The word river is not a palindrome; spelled in reverse, river is revir. This doesn't work. A palindrome is a word or a sentence that is spelled the same forward or backward, like 'radar'. In sentence form, the word breaks do not have to be in the same places when reversed. Famous examples are: "Able was I ere I saw Elba." "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama." The river Exe in England is a river whose name is a palindrome.
A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number
A real number which is not a rational number is an irrational number.
There is no number that is equivalent since a number is just that - a number. It is NOT a measure of time.There is no number that is equivalent since a number is just that - a number. It is NOT a measure of time.There is no number that is equivalent since a number is just that - a number. It is NOT a measure of time.There is no number that is equivalent since a number is just that - a number. It is NOT a measure of time.
The number is 0.6
a neep[not able to work
The high deck is the "poop" deck (poopdeck).
suppose n is a number i.e n=325 First we shall divide that number by 10 then store this number in a variable called quation i.e q=n/10 here q=32 . we take one variable say m and store the value of n in that variable i.e n=m And then we shall find remender of that number by dividing 10 i.e n=n%10 we get 5 then we will reverse that number i.e r=r*10+n and then we will repeate the same step if reverse of that number is same as the number entered then that number is called paindrom code: class palindrom { public static void main(String args[]) { int n,m,s,r; n=m; for(s=0;n>0;) { q=n/10; r=n*10; s=s*10+r; n=q; } if (m==r) { System.out.println("Palindrom"); } else { System.out.println(" not Palindrom"); } } } Wrriten By:-Rajkumar Gupta
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int n, n1, rev = 0, rem; printf("Enter any number: \n"); scanf("%d", &n); n1 = n; /* logic */ while (n > 0){ rem = n % 10; rev = rev * 10 + rem; n = n / 10; } if (n1 == rev){ printf("Given number is a palindromic number"); } else{ printf("Given number is not a palindromic number"); } return 0; }
Use toupper from ctype.h for every letter. Obviously, it doesn't matter if the string is palindrom or not.
there is an E at the end of palindrome... and your right, the word palindrome should be a palindrome, i dont know why its not.