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All the nonmetals with a multiple of five for their atomic number are as follows:

Boron (5); Boron is a metalloid, which means that it is a mixture of metal qualities and nonmetal qualities.

Neon (10);

Phosphorous (15);

Bromine (35);

Astatine (85).

All the rest are either metals or undiscovered.

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Q: Which nonmetals have an atomic number that is a multiple of 5?
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The atomic number for Boron is 5.

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The atomic number of boron is 5.

Borons atomic number?

Boron's atomic number is 5.

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The atomic number of boron is 5, which means it has 5 protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of boron is approximately 10.81 atomic mass units.

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Boron is a non meta element. Atomic number of it is 5.

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To find the atomic number, subtract the number of neutrons (5) from the mass number (9). The atomic number of the atom in question is 4.

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There is only one atomic number for any element. For boron, it is 5.

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The number of neutrons in an atom is calculated by subtracting the atomic number from the atomic mass. In this case, for boron with an atomic mass of 11 and atomic number of 5, the number of neutrons would be 6.

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Boron is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 5.

How big is atomic number 5?

Boron is a none metal element. atomic number of it is 5.