It would help if there were more information on "this 3-D figure". In view of the available information, the only possible answer is "That one!"
triangle * * * * * What? Two lines can make an angle, but how can they make a triangle?
A net.A 2-dimensional pattern that you can fold to make a 3-dimensional figure is called a net.For instance, make a letter 'T' out of 6 squares. The vertical part of the T has 4 squares, and the horizontal part has 3 squares (one square is common to both) . This net can be folded to make a cube.
To create an equilateral pentagon with exaclty 1 right angle, you must # Create a dotted line of symmetry down the page. # Then create two lines that are exactly 3cm in length so that they form a right angle. This right angle must have exaclty 45o of it on each side of the dotted line. # Off these newly created lines extend another two lines of exactly 3cm so that the angles created are exaclty 120o each # Now draw a straight line through the dotted line of symmetry to connect the second set of 3cm lines together # The newly created pentagon should look like a house, that widens as it comes up to the roof and then comes into a point at the top. To insure that the pentagon is correct - Add all angles together and make sure that they equal 540o - Measure each line so that they are all exaclty 3cm - Make sure that the angles are as follows, 105-120-90-120-105 - You have now created a SERP - an equilateral pentagon that has a line of symmetry and in this case one right angle.
Draw one square. Join the midpoint of each side to the midpoint of the adjacent sides. The resulting figure meets the requirements.
The dotted lines in the right side are for the length. This is to make the map easier to read.
draw a shape that can only be folded in half perfecty twice example: 8
It looks like lines stuck together to make a closed figure
a symmetrical line.
6 crotchets is one dotted semibreve.
The best I can figure, I can make 13See related links below.
It is often referred to as a "net." In higher-level mathematics, especially topology, the word "surface" can be used.
A polygon is a closed plane figure consisting of straight lines. So a square is a polygon, a pentagon is a polygon. Just draw any closed figure with straight lines and you have a polygon.
Yes, the middle of the figure would make exactly four right angles if there were two lines (rays or line segments) in the figure. By:Donny Heitler
triangle * * * * * What? Two lines can make an angle, but how can they make a triangle?