450 grams is a unit of mass measurement equal to 0.45 kilograms or approximately 0.99 pounds.
A bag of peanuts typically weighs around 600 grams, not 600 kilograms. Kilograms are much larger units of measurement than grams, so a bag of peanuts is not likely to weigh 600 kilograms.
Yes, a cat's weight can be measured in grams or kilograms. It is common to use kilograms as a unit of measurement for larger animals like cats.
There are approximately 68 kilograms in 150 pounds.
Couches are typically measured in kilograms. Grams are a smaller unit of measurement more commonly used for smaller items.
They're typically measured in pounds. There are rule conversions to measurement in kilograms.
grams in the CGS measurement system, Kilograms in the Si and MKS system, or pounds in the FPS measurement system.
They are all forms of weight and volume measurement.
kilograms grams milligrams centigrams pounds tons ounces micrograms nanograms
kilograms grams milligrams centigrams pounds tons ounces micrograms nanograms
450 grams is a unit of mass measurement equal to 0.45 kilograms or approximately 0.99 pounds.
Solids are measured in kilograms, grams, milligrams, micrograms, or in ounces, pounds and tons.
Technically neither. A baseball is likely to be measud in ounces, since baseball is American, and the US has not formally adopted metric measurements. However, if the question is asking which would be the appropriate measurement - grams or kilograms - the answer would be grams. See the related question below.
6.3 grams is a unit of measurement for mass. It is equal to approximately 0.22 ounces or 0.013 pounds.
7,500 grams is equal to 7.5 kilograms.
73 kilograms is a unit of measurement for weight, equivalent to approximately 160.9 pounds.
The answer will depend on whether you mean 0.95 ounces, grams, kilograms or tons or another measurement unit.