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Q: Which m and m taste better?
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It does taste better at night (for me)....I have no idea why, but it does!!

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It is better to loose taste, it is less sensible.

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four out of five cannibals agree...vegitarians do taste better.

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People do say it does taste better

Does coke taste better than sprite?

yes. coke is better that sprite

Do the m and m's have a different taste?

No, all colors of M&M's have the same taste. The chocolate and candy coating are consistent across all colors. The color difference is only due to the food coloring used.

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the sweet taste of it :)

How do you write single in a sentence?

A single M&M fills my taste buds

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A cat can taste better than a dog, that is why they are so picky!

How do strawberries taste?

so good but if you put sugar on them they will taste better!

Why does pepper make food taste better?

Pepper makes savory foods taste better because it stimulates the taste buds and adds aroma.

How do you taste test which cookies taste better?

use chocolate milk