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Java (an Indonesian island). However, the Java programming language was named after the Indonesian coffee bean (a favourite of one of its developers) rather than the island itself.

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Probably Java, situated in Indonesia.

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Q: Which island is also the name of a popular programming language?
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Is java in Indonesia?

Yes it is; Java is also name of coffee originaly from the island and also a name of a computer programming language.

What is purpose of pascal?

The Pascal language is used just like any other programming language. In the 70's and 80's, Pascal and Basic were the most common languages taught for beginning programming classes. Pascal is the foundation of the popular Delphi programming language as well as part of the Oxygene language for .NET. Pascal language is easier to read and is not case sensitive, which can add to difficulty in learning programming. It's also easier to debug.

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The best programming language in the world is a subjective matter and can vary depending on the specific use case and context. However, based on current trends and demand, several programming languages stand out: javaScript: is the most popular programming language in the world and is in high demand among various organizations. Python: is often considered the most user-friendly programming language with clear, intuitive syntax. C++: is also highly regarded due to its extensive features, libraries, and speed. Ultimately, the best programming language depends on the specific requirements of a project, the target platform, and the developer's familiarity and comfort with the language.

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What makes JAVA a popular programming language?

Java supports object oriented programming. It also has many API( Application Programming Interface) that add to the functionality. It follows the paradigm of code once and run anywhere i.e. it is platform independent. For more information, visit the link below:

What is the programming language that is one step above the machine language?

we can say c,c++ also.. but not sure..

Is java an assembly language?

No. Java is a high level language also known as object oriented programming

How is java both a programming language and a platform?

By using Navite Interface we write this type of code

Does c a good computer programming language?

Yes it is. (Also, English is a good natural language, you should learn it.)

What is programming launguage?

A programming language is a language to communicate with the machine (computer). It can either high or low level programming language. A high level programming language is harder to understand by computers but easier by people. These include BASIC, C++, Java and etc. Low level programming languages are understandable by computers and people , like assembly and other system programing languages. Compilers/Linkers/Interpreters are needed to translate between programming language into machine language (binary code - 010001001 etc). If you want to learn programming language, first you should learn Basic or Python then goto C++ or Java. You can also learn C instead of C+++, your choice.

What are some good texts for learning the C programming language?

There are lots of texts that would allow someone to learn the C programming language. K&R can guide the beginner to learning fast and easy. The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan is also one of the best books out there.

State three reasons that visual basic is the most widely used programming language in the world?

Visual Basic is not the most widely used programming language in the world. Aside from anything else, it only works on Windows. Java is the most widely used programming language in the world, closely followed by C++. And there are plenty more languages that are far more widely used than Visual Basic, including C, Python, Ruby and Perl, to name but a few. Even C#, which is also a Windows-only programming language, is more popular than Visual Basic.