This question depends on exactly where you are looking. If you are discussing the difference between the coastal waters of the united states. According to the government websites including the NOAA website the coastal waters off of the East coast are warmed due to the the water being brought up from the equator compaired to the Pacific Ocean which brings water down from Artic. Leaving the East coast Atlantic waters with a warmer average temperature.
No ocean is warmer. Its just the latitude where you measure it and the kind of weather. Tropic of Capricorn of Cancer on the Pacific is definitely warmer than the Antarctic Circle on Atlantic. If you were to measure each from the latitude of 30 S, Both oceans of the same sunny weather should have the temp. difference very slight
pacific ocean is warmer then the arctic
The Pacific Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific Ocean. The reason for this is because there is a warm water ocean current that goes through the Gulf of Mexico. It is called the Gulf Stream. Later, as it goes up north towards Europe and Ireland, it turns into the Mid-Atlantic Drift. There is nothing to do with anything about it being in tropical waters. All in all, the Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific Ocean because of a warm water ocean current called the Gulf Stream that later turns into the Mid-Atlantic Drift.
The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
The four oceans of the Earth are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.
The Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. (Apex)
Southern ocean, Pacific ocean, and the Atlantic ocean.
The Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean border South America.
Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico.
Which is cleaner the Pacific or Atlantic ocean?
The Ocean to The West Side of Canada is the Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean and The Atlantic Ocean.