The Eiffel tower is 1,063 ft tall including the TV mast. There are now some taller buildings over the world:
the Chrisler building;
eight TV towers around the US, and one in Poland;
Burj Dubaï, in the United Arab Emirates.
Due to advances in iron-steel technology, the Tokyo Tower is 333 meters tall; thirteen meters higher than the Eiffel Tower. Though 13m difference does not seem much to brag about, the Tokyo Tower weighs roughly 4,000 tons. This, in comparison to the Eiffel Tower's 7,000 tons, is the real feat in the Japanese structure. As of this date, 5/5/10, the Tokyo Tower is the world's tallest self-supporting steel structure.
The tower was not built just to break a record, but as a housing for many essential elements to the city. A large number of TV stations broadcast their stations from the tower. The Tower also contains weather analysis instruments. Its height makes it very useful for these, and many other uses.
**If you are doing a research project, please note that this source is not credible. That does not mean that nothing written here is true, but you still must have a source of information that was created by a more educated person than I.
The Eiffel tower is taller.
The Eiffel tower is taller. It is about twice as tall as the Blackpool tower.
if the titanic was measured from left to right it would be just about the height of the Eiffel tower
The Eiffel Tower is taller than the Shard Tower. The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres high. The Shard Tower is 306 metres high.
If you put the Titanic facing upwards, it would have been taller than the Eiffel Tower, taller than the Pyramids, but not as tall as the Empire State Building, so no
the twin towers (415 and 417m) were taller than the Eiffel tower (324 m)
The Eiffel Tower
Burj Khalifa is the tallest man made structure in the world. Taller than The Eiffel Tower or The Statue of Liberty. Try to answer the question, this is not what was asked!!
The Eiffel Tower gets bigger in the summer becaus of Thermal Expansion. It gets 15cm taller.
The Eiffel tower is an iron tower, which was the world's most taller building from 1889 until 1930.
the Burj khalifa is a lot taller then the Eiffel tower its bout another 500 metres taller than the Eiffel tower , the Eiffel tower is 325 metres and the Burj khalifa is 828 metres