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Sir Francis Drake.

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Q: Which explorer went round the world in 1577?
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What are the dates of the explorations that francis drake went on?

1577 to 1580

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no, we went to the moon and saw the earth, round.

Who is Christopher Colombus?

Christopher Colombus was an Italian explorer who wanted to prove to the king and queen in Spain that the world was round so he went on a journey to prove it. he sailed on 3 ships santa maria, Nina, and the Pinta.

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well he dident know if the world went round but he thought that it did nice talken to u and my name is paige if u wanna know

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A long time

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Sir Francis Drake went on his famous circumnavigational trip for about 3 years. From 1577-1580

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Google Chrome and Internet Explorer are browsers. They pretty much the same and end up at the same place-- the Internet (World Wide Web).

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