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He has the choose to choose there traits and how they feel.

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Q: What element of writing style refers to the author's attitude towards the subject?
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Which element of writing style refers to the authors attitude towards the subject?


What is the attitude of the writer towards his or her subject?

The writer's attitude towards the subject can vary depending on the context, but it is typically reflected in the tone, language, and opinions expressed in the writing. It is important to consider the overall message and purpose of the piece to understand the writer's attitude towards the subject.

Is tone a literary element or technique?

Tone is a literary element, as it refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject matter. It helps establish the overall mood or atmosphere of a piece of writing.

How do you discover poet's attitude towards a subject in poem?


What is contemplative tone?

When the author shows a studying/ reflective attitude towards a subject, character or object.

what was his attitude to his suffering?

His attitude towards his suffering was a strong attitude

What is the authors attitude toward the writing (his characters the situation) and the readers. (anger sarcastic humorous etc.)?

The author's attitude towards the writing, characters, and situation can vary depending on the tone of the text. It could be serious, humorous, satirical, critical, or any other emotion. The author's attitude towards readers may be to engage, educate, provoke thought, entertain, or challenge them.

What do you think is the speakers attitude towards Amalkanti?

writer's attitude towards amalkanti is of sympathetic pity.

An author takes toward the subject the audience or the character?

An author's tone is the attitude they convey towards the subject matter, audience, or characters in their writing. This can influence how the reader perceives the text and the emotions evoked while reading.

What is the sentence for the word attitude?

I dont like your attitude towards him

What is brutus's attitude towards Caesar?

His attitude was very angry

Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us?

if your looking for a source john n. mitchell