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mainly if you want to save movies/videos/music/pictures/other files on your computer

"harddrive" storage/ choose Drive C://

or if you want it on a flash drive which is removable storage devices/ choose another drive / "example, Drive F://

so now you know.

i recommend removable storage... on a flash drive/ portable flash drive.

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Q: Which drive should you save files to?
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Should you save your files to your computer or to your external hard drive?

according to me, do the both

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see related link

Can you save program files in drive D?

Yes, you can. I saved a 140MB programme in my D drive and it works well. Go ahead and save.

Why is your hard drive full?

Well when you put too many files such as p*rn or software the computer has to save it some where, but the computer can only save so much... you should try disc cleanup and disc defragment, or buy an extra external hard drive to hook up to you computer. In short, hard drive full means your out of space to save files. May also have a virus or something of that nature.

Where do you save your AVI files?

Anywhere on your computer, as long as you have enough available memory on the drive.

I have an external hard drive but whenever i want to save something i have to select the drive manually is there any way it can be automatically selected?

#1 Right mouse click your desktop and select new shortcut. Select browse and then select the usb drive letter from my computer. #2 Firefox browser <Tools> <options> <general> <save files to> <browse> to the drive and folder to save files to.

How can one save hard drive data?

There are a number of ways one can save hard drive date. One can back up hard drive data on an external hard drive or it can be stored on cloud storage such as Google Drive. If one's computer is damaged then files from the hard drive can be recovered and saved using a USB universal drive adapter. This will allow one to read the files on another PC and then save them to that PC or transfer to a different device.

If you break a xbox360 game does the progress save on the hard drive if you buy a new game?

Im not sure exactly what you mean, but if you have a save file on your hard drive then it doesnt matter what disk you use. Save files are on your hard drive not the disk itself.

When you burn to cd-rw or cd-r you are unable to transfer it to the hard drive it says that it is Read Only what do you do to be able to transfer it back to the hard drive?

Once you save data to a CD and burn the disk you must open the file(s) that you want and re-save them to your hard drive. Then you can make changes to the files. To save them to a CD again you will have to copy them to a fresh CD and burn that CD to save the files there.

Is it only pictures that can be uploaded to Google Drive?

No, Google Drive is used like any other disk connected to your computer. I save any files that I want to exchange between computers on Google Drive: spreadsheets, PDFs, text files, programs, ZIP files, etc.

Why you use a D drive to save your file?

If you have a D drive on your computer, then you can save files onto it. You might do so to have your data files on a particular drive, rather than having them all on the C drive. Your C drive is usually used for storing the actual programs. So it can be useful to keep your data on a separate disk. It is a good organisational strategy. It can make it easier to see how much data you have, as you know that anything that is on the D drive are data files. If there is a crash on the C drive, you could still have all your files safe on the D drive. So there are lots of good reasons for doing it.

A file may be compressed in order to?

Files are compressed in order to save disk space on a hard drive.