The district with lowest rainfall in kerala is thiruvananthapuram this year.
The district with lowest rainfall in kerala is thiruvananthapuram in southern kerala it received only 523 mm rainfall in the south west monsoon .mainly southern kerala recieves the lowest rainfall. thiruvanthapuram recorded 27 % deficient rainfall during the south west monsoon rainfall in kerala.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM IS THE PLACE GETTING LESS RAIN IN KERALA The district with lowest rainfall in kerala is thiruvananthapuram in southern kerala it received only 523 mm rainfall in the south west monsoon .....mainly southern kerala recieves the lowest rainfall... thiruvanthapuram recorded 27 % deficient rainfall during the south west monsoon rainfall in kerala....for more information log on to imd tvmSEASON'S RAINFALL 2011METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM1st JUNE 2011 TO 7th SEPTEMBER 2011SUB DIVISION /DISTRICTSActual Rainfall (mm)Normal Rainfall (mm)Percentage Departure (%)KERALA2020.81847.99NORMALLAKSHADWEEP886.3862.73NORMALALAPPUZHA1385.41521.6-9NORMALKANNUR2798.12506.812NORMALERNAKULAM2329.81826.028EXCESSIDUKKI2454.82032.621EXCESSKASARAGOD2943.92821.34NORMALKOLLAM1034.71151.3-10NORMALKOTTAYAM2008.21681.419NORMALKOZHIKODE3022.92408.125EXCESSMALAPPURAM2081.31893.810NORMALPALAKKAD1744.51433.522EXCESSPATHANAMTHITTA1322.91496.3-12NORMALTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM532.3732.1-27DEFICENTTHRISSUR2164.01975.99NORMALWAYANAD1889.52471.8-24DEFICENTin the year 2011clearly the statistics shows thiruvananthapuram is the place with least rainfall in kerala.......
lakkidi wayanad recives the 2nd highest annual rainfall in the world after cheerapunji-sohra and in kerla its the first wettest place too.
lakkidi wayanad locally known as chirapunji of kerala . recives 7 month rains of wayanad district . it has recorded 2nd highest degree rainfall in world . lakkidi is sorrunded by rainforest and very cold place.
whypatna gets heavy rainfall than varanasi
Mt Waialeale in Hawaii Hawaii. It gets 460 inches of rainfall a year.
it gets little rainfall because it is a desert
Rainfall Or snow
The rainfall that a swamp gets annually is estimated to be around 100 inches.
Wyoming gets less than 10 inches of rainfall every year Cheyenne gets 15.54 inches of rainfall every year which is more than any where Else in the state
The rainfall that a swamp gets annually is estimated to be around 100 inches.