People say that kiwi fruit comes from New Zealand, but its not. Kiwi fruit actually comes from China, and was actually called Chinese goose berry, but china decided to give the kiwifruit to New Zealand, which is now a traditional fruit to us New Zealanders.
Neither. The Kiwifruit, also known as the Chinese gooseberry, grows on vines.
Kedu. It grows in North-east India.
It grows in the northeast part of California in the grassy parts and where all the trees are
China is the country that grows the most cabbages globally. It is a popular vegetable in Chinese cuisine and is cultivated on a large scale throughout the country.
Kiwi are birds and do not grow on trees. Kiwifruit grow on vines, not trees.
Correctly speaking, a kiwi is a bird. It is a small, flightless bird native to New Zealand. The plant is called a kiwifruit. Outside of Australia and New Zealand, this name has been shortened to just 'kiwi', but the proper name is kiwifruit.