The type of chocolate that melts the fastest is Milk Chocolate. This is due to its lower cocoa content and higher sugar and milk content, which make it softer and more prone to melting at lower temperatures compared to Dark Chocolate or white chocolate. Additionally, milk chocolate typically contains more cocoa butter, which has a lower melting point than the cocoa solids found in dark chocolate and white chocolate.
please answer this question. im in 6th grade and i need to think of a good science fair project. Please answer this..............
i need help,
heyy look this is a real answer the fastest melting chocolate is milk chocolate believe me i need it to .What i am doing for science fair is Which chocolate Melts The Fastest?
Most likely Hershey's Milk Chocolate or Hershey's White Chocolate
It doesn't necessarily have to be Hershey's, just milk chocolate or white chocolate in general because since they coco has a fairly high boiling point a chocolate that has a smaller percentage of it in it will boil faster, such as milk chocolate.
the chocolate that melts faster is the milky way chocolate. research says its because of the humidity.
chocolate and butter they melt at the exactly the same time
Plane chocolate will melt faster because it has nothing in it and it will absorb more heat.
Milk chocolate.
milli robinson did in 1999
I think it is Lindt.
Milk chocolate.
I believe these "chocolate melts" are slightly melted chocolate bars,possibly a type of candy.
Any chocolate melts faster in the sun.
well i tested it and the white chocolate was first and the milk chocolate was second and the dark chocolate was the last to melt it really didn't melt though
The temperature
These are the averages from my science experiment that I had to conduct.Milk chocolate melts at approximately 3 min 36 sec at boiling point.White chocolate melts at approximately 4 min at boiling point.Dark chocolate melts at approximately 4 min 08 sec at boiling point.High-fat chocolates (milk, semi-sweet, white, ect.) will melt the fastest because their melting points are just below that of human body temperature. Most rooms are kept at a stable temperature for people, so melting that type of chocolate does not require too much extra heat. Also, this is why those chocolates have the tendency to "melt in your mouth", or melt in your hand as heat is radiated and trasnfered from the skin to the chocolate.
Dark Chocolate melts faster than white I say both are the same.White is just colored chocolate with a different flavour,inn it?and chocolate is the same(but not coloured,but it is flavoured) It depends what make it is, not what colour!