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Gaseous composition

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Q: Which characteristic is common to the four outer planets in our solar system?
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What are the distances between planets greater between the inner or outer planets?

Distances between outer planets are greater than distances between inner planets in our solar system. The outer planets are much farther from the Sun compared to the inner planets.

Which planets in the solar system are referred to as the inner planets and outer planets?

The 4 Inner planets (mostly rocky and solid):MercuryVenusEarthMarsThe 4 Outer planets (mostly dense gaseous atmospheres):JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneNotes:Pluto, a dwarf planet, was an outer planet before it got reclassified, but resembles the inner planets.The inner and outer planets are separated by the asteroid belt.When dwarf planets are included, Ceres counts as an inner planet and all the other dwarf planets count as outer planets.

What do all the outer planets have in common?

All the outer planets in our solar system are gas giants with no solid surfaces. They are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, and have thick atmospheres. They are also much larger in size than the inner rocky planets.

Which planets are classified as inner planets and which are outer planets?

Very simple. We have 2 asteroid belts in our Solar System that divides the inner planets and outer planets. Very well organized and place you can tell with is the inner (closet to the sun) and which is outer (farther from the sun).

Why do you compare outer planets to inner planets?

Outer planets and inner planets are compared because they have distinct differences in size, composition, and characteristics. Inner planets are smaller, rocky, and denser, while outer planets are larger, gaseous, and have thick atmospheres. Studying these differences helps scientists understand how planets form and evolve in our solar system.

Related questions

What do all the outer planets have common?

They have in common is that they are the last planets in the solar system

What physical characteristic do the inner planets have in common?

The inner planets, also known as terrestrial planets, have solid rocky surfaces. This distinguishes them from the outer gas giant planets in our solar system. Additionally, they are closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets.

What 2 things do inner and outer planets have in common?

they are apart of the solar system

What is a characteristic of all outer planets?

The outer plants are made out of gases mostly.

What characteristic do outer planets share?

The outer planets are primarily gaseous meaning they are basically just gargantuan masses of gas.

What characteristics do all outer planets have in common?

they al are outer planets.

Which are the outer planets in the solar system?

The outer (major) planets of our solar system are the 4 gas giants:JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneFurthermore, 4 out of the 5 dwarf planets are also in the outer solar system, beyond the orbit of neptune:PlutoHaumeaMakemakeEris

What do outer planets have in common?

Outer planets are gas planets and they are outside the astroid belt and are further away from the sun.


they al are outer planets.

What characteristic do all of the outer planets share?

All of the outer planets are large in size, low in density, and have very thick atmospheres made primarily of hydrogen and helium.

Name the five outer planets in your solar system?

the four outer planets of this solar system are as followed. jupiter, satern, uranus, and neptune.

What do the first outer planets have in common?

they augygdjjkgdkdskajldhnjlsadhjldbhjldh