That character isn't from Looney Tunes, he's a Hannah-Barbera character named "SnagglePuss". He's the debonair pink cat, with white french cuffs, a white wing tip collar, and a Black bowtie. Other popular lines are:
"Heavens to Murgatroyd!"
"Exit stage left"
Ending a sentence with the word "even"
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Put 'Em Up was created on 2003-07-16.
Then Major General Curtis E. LeMay
He told Aunty Em (Medusa) that they were three orphans from the circus.
Cahill: US Marshal (John Wayne plays JD Cahill)
"Heavens to Murgatroyd!" was the catchphrase used by Snagglepuss .
The duration of You Can Tell 'Em I Said It is 1.37 hours.
you put em in your place but only last a year now idk
They Clean em' Put glue on 'em Put 'em on Use the ultraviolet light Prepare for pain Have Fun!
You Can Tell 'Em I Said It was created on 2011-02-28.
is putting *********** <P> <P>put, or puts, depending on the person & singular or plural. <P><U>Singular</U> <P>1. I <EM>put </EM>things down <P>2. You <EM>put </EM>things down <P>3. He/She/It <EM>puts </EM>things down <P><U>Plural</U> <P>1. We <EM>put</EM> things down <P>3. They <EM>put </EM>things down</P>
A Laurel and Hardy Cartoon - 1966 Always Leave 'Em Giggling 1-51 was released on: USA: 24 December 1966
Put 'Em High was created on 2004-08-16.
Put Em In Their Place was created on 2006-03-14.
Put 'Em Up was created on 2003-07-16.
Danno is the name of the character -- "Book 'em" means to arrest and sentence them.
Zero. He never said, "Book 'em, Dan-o". He said, "Book 'em, Dan'l"