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Q: Which capital letter has no angles?
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Is E acute angle?

The capital letter E has no acute angles but it does have right angles.

What letter has 3 acute and 2 obtuse angles?

It could be capital letter A

What kind of angle do you see in the letter F?

The letter F contains several angles, including acute angles at the top and bottom of the vertical line, and right angles where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. Additionally, there are obtuse angles where the horizontal line intersects with the vertical line. Overall, the letter F showcases a variety of angles within its structure.

What are 26 facts and features about geometrical angles from A to Z?

Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees Decagon is a 10 sided polygon whose inside angles add up to 1440 degrees Exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360 degrees F as a capital letter has equal corresponding angles Greater than 0 but less than 90 is the measure of an acute angle Hexagon is a 6 sided polygon whose interior angles add up to 720 degrees Interior angles of any polygon: (n-2)*180 whereas 'n' is number of its sides Joined line segments form angles at a point K as a capital letter has angles that add up to 180 degrees on a straight line L as a capital letter has a right angle Measurements of angles can be done with a protractor Nonagon is a 9 sided polygon whose interior angles amount to 1260 degrees Obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees Perpendicular lines meet at right angles which is 90 degrees Quarter of a turn is 90 degrees Right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and two acute angles Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees Transversal line cutting through parallel lines creates various angles Undecagon is an 11 sided polygon that has inside angles totalling 1620 degrees Vertex is the point where two lines or more meet creating an angle Whole turn is a complete revolution of 360 degrees X as a capital letter has equal vertical opposite angles Y as a capital letter has angles that add up to 360 degrees around a point Z as a capital letter has equal alternate angles

What does are the lines perpendicular at right angles mean?

Perpendicular lines are, by definition, lines which are at right angles to another line. In other words in a capital letter T the vertical line is perpendicular to the horizontal one because they are at right angles (90 degees) to one another.

Related questions

How many angles does the letter m have in it?

As a capital letter M it has three angles

What letter has 2 rigth angles?

Capital T

Is E acute angle?

The capital letter E has no acute angles but it does have right angles.

What letter has 3 acute and 2 obtuse angles?

It could be capital letter A

What capital letter has 3 acute and 2 obtuse angles?


Which letter from the keybord 3 acute angle and 2 obtuse and have 5 angles?

The letter A.

How many right angles in F?

If you mean the capital letter "F" there is 3.

What kind of angle do you see in the letter F?

The letter F contains several angles, including acute angles at the top and bottom of the vertical line, and right angles where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. Additionally, there are obtuse angles where the horizontal line intersects with the vertical line. Overall, the letter F showcases a variety of angles within its structure.

How many right angles does letter t have?

capital T=2 little t=2

Is it possible to draw a single pair of corresponding angles?

Yes. Write an upper case (capital) letter F (in italics if you like). The angles underneath the horizontal lines of the F will form a single pair of corresponding angles.

What are 26 facts and features about geometrical angles from A to Z?

Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees Decagon is a 10 sided polygon whose inside angles add up to 1440 degrees Exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360 degrees F as a capital letter has equal corresponding angles Greater than 0 but less than 90 is the measure of an acute angle Hexagon is a 6 sided polygon whose interior angles add up to 720 degrees Interior angles of any polygon: (n-2)*180 whereas 'n' is number of its sides Joined line segments form angles at a point K as a capital letter has angles that add up to 180 degrees on a straight line L as a capital letter has a right angle Measurements of angles can be done with a protractor Nonagon is a 9 sided polygon whose interior angles amount to 1260 degrees Obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees Perpendicular lines meet at right angles which is 90 degrees Quarter of a turn is 90 degrees Right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and two acute angles Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees Transversal line cutting through parallel lines creates various angles Undecagon is an 11 sided polygon that has inside angles totalling 1620 degrees Vertex is the point where two lines or more meet creating an angle Whole turn is a complete revolution of 360 degrees X as a capital letter has equal vertical opposite angles Y as a capital letter has angles that add up to 360 degrees around a point Z as a capital letter has equal alternate angles

What capital letter has perpendicular lines?

the letter A, the letter V, the letter X is the best example. If by perpendicular you mean 90º, the answer is E, F, I, L, and T. A, V and X are not perpendicular, they are acute angles.