The capital city that is directly south of Asmara, Eritrea is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
The capital of the state directly south of Colorado is Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Pretoria is the executive capital city (Cape Town is the legislative capital and Bloemfontein the judicial capital) of the Republic of South Africa.
The European capital that is furthest south is Valletta, the capital of Malta.
The capital of South Dakota is Pierre. It is located in the central part of the state along the Missouri River.
The capital city that is directly south of Asmara, Eritrea is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
addis ababa
The capital of the state directly south of Colorado is Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Spain borders France directly to the south. Madrid is the capital of Spain.
Nunavut is directly north of Manitoba and Ontario. The capital of Manitoba is Winnipeg and is 1604 kilometers due south of Qamani'tuaq.
The country south of Florida and the Tropic of Cancer with Havana as its capital is Cuba. Cuba is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea.
The capital of Texas, Austin, is southwest of the capital of Minnesota, St. Paul.
At first it was in New York, but after the deal with the South, the North moved it directly to Washington D.C., where it's still the capital now.
No. The capital of South Korea isSeoul.Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
South Dakota is not a capital. South Dakota is a US state and the state capital is Pierre.
The capital of the state south of North Carolina is Columbia, which is the capital of South Carolina.
Pretoria is the executive capital city (Cape Town is the legislative capital and Bloemfontein the judicial capital) of the Republic of South Africa.