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stratosphere is because it is the layer bad up of mainly gas .

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Q: Which atmosphere is less dense?
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What happens when you rise higher in the atmosphere?

The air becomes less dense.

Is earths atmosphere much thinner and less dense than mercury's?


What atomospheric layer is least dense?

Basically, the higher you get in the atmosphere, the less dense it gets. It's the exosphere.

How does air change the higher up in the atmosphere you go?

It becomes less dense.

Why do convection currents take place in the atmosphere?

cold air is less dense

Is there any atmosphere around mars?

Yes. Its atmosphere is much less dense than the Earth's, but still present.

Why does the density of the atmosphere decrease with height?

The Earth's atmosphere declines with altitude.

Which is part of the convections cycle in Earth's atmosphere?

hot, less dense air rises

What is the order of earths layers from less dense to most dense?

The outer core, inner core, mantle, crust, water, atmosphere. This is the order from densest to least dense.

Why hydrogen gas collected by upward delivery?

Because hydrogen gas is less dense than air(mostly nitrogen and oxygen), and the less dense gas flows to go above the more dense(and escape the atmosphere).

Is steam more dense than mist?

steam is less dense than mist because the particles in steam have more energy so they are less dense and rise. but mist is denser because it does not rise into the atmosphere and simply lurks around on the floor and has less energy

Where is the air the least dense?

The air is least dense at high altitudes, such as in the upper atmosphere where there is lower pressure and fewer air molecules present.