Gemini's zodiac sign is that of twins since they have two sides to them. The animal to best describe a Gemini would be a bird like a parrot. Also in the Chinese horoscope the horse sign is the counterpart to a Gemini.
It is said that a hyena has a bubbly and happy personality. Hyenas are known for the sound they make that sounds like laughter.
The best service animal is a horse.
Psychology defines the Id as our visible personality.
Paint your car what best describes your personality
Starbuck knew he was facing a dilemma.
funny determined and strong
He makes choices without considering their consequences
He has a double personality, a good and a bad side.
bright colors
Well that's simple sometimes it is your personality and how you act that tells your animal,but i guess i would say mine is a cat.
No. An animal's personality comes from its experience in life, the environment it is in and its genetics.
She has a girly, nice personality
symbiotic :)