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Ireland eats the most cereal coming in at 15 pounds per person per year.

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Q: Which European country eats most breakfast cereal?
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What is the greatest breakfast cereal of all-time?

no one eats cereal anymore

What is a Creagle?

a creagle its a bird that eats poptarts and cereal for breakfast

What does Zendaya Coleman eat for breakfast?

A variety of breakfast foods. xD she probably changes what she eats every morning, but in one interview she said she sometimes eats fruit, yoghurt, and cereal. :|

What are facts about cereal?

Cereal was invented in Colonial times in America, when the housewives started serving popcorn with sugar and cream for breakfast. The average American eats 160 bowls of cereal a year. Cereal was taken into space by Apollo 11 astronauts.

What percentage of the world eats healthy at breakfast?

36% people of world eats healthy breakfast.

Is Justin Bieber's favorite cereal Captain Crunch?

Captain Crunch is Justin Bieber's favourite breakfast cereal.Captin Crunch With Berries He Eats It Every Morning!

What is the structure of a present simple sentence?

The simplest structure is Subject + Verb. If there is an object, it follows: John eats. John eats breakfast. John eats breakfast every day. John eats breakfast quickly. To make a negative sentence, you need to add the helping verb "does" (which of course follows the subject). John does not eat. John does not eat breakfast. etc. Certain adverbs, esp adverbs of frequency, can come between the subj and verb: John always eats breakfast with his family. John never eats breakfast. John sometimes does not eat breakfast.

What European country eats most Mexican food?

None That's why we have our own food, Europe mostly eats healthy food

What percent of the world eats cereal?

anyone that can buy it

What does a girl named Krisin eat for breakfast?

A girl named Kristin eats pants, cats and people who have been raped the night before for breakfast. Only Kristin's with an I eats that for breakfast.

How does Liam eat his cereal?

He takes two cups: 1 full of milk and 1 full of cereal he eats the cereal and drinks the milk with it

Who eats spam for breakfast?

Anyone who has a backbone.