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10mo ago

To find pages with information on a specific topic, you can try using a search engine like Google. Simply type in your topic as a search query and browse through the search results. Additionally, you can look for websites dedicated to the subject matter, check reputable online encyclopedias or databases, or search within academic and research journals.

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Q: Where would you look to find out the pages that have information on a specific topic?
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Where would you look to find out the pages where you can find information on a specific topic?

You can use search engines like Google to find websites that contain information on a specific topic. Additionally, academic databases, library catalogs, and online encyclopedias can also be good sources for information on specific topics.

Information you would not include on a bibliography card?

Personal opinions, irrelevant details, or excessive background information about the author or the topic are typically not included on a bibliography card. Stick to essential details like author, title, publication date, and source.

Which topic is narrow enough for a student to conduct online research for a three-page essay?

"The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers" would be a suitable and narrow enough topic for a three-page essay. This topic allows for focused research on a specific demographic and its relationship with a particular aspect of technology.

How would explain to person the differences between writing to inform and writing persuade?

Writing to inform focuses on providing facts, explanations, and details to educate the audience on a specific topic. On the other hand, writing to persuade aims to convince the reader to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action by appealing to their emotions, beliefs, or values. While informative writing presents information objectively, persuasive writing uses rhetoric and persuasive techniques to sway the reader's opinion.

What is the scientific name of digman?

"Digman" is not a recognized common name for any specific organism. To provide a scientific name, more information about the specific organism in question would be needed.

Related questions

Where would you look to find out the pages where you can find information on a specific topic?

You can use search engines like Google to find websites that contain information on a specific topic. Additionally, academic databases, library catalogs, and online encyclopedias can also be good sources for information on specific topics.

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Which is the best supporting sentence for this topic sentence?

To provide a suitable supporting sentence, I would need to know the specific topic sentence or topic you are referring to. Once you provide that information, I can help you identify a suitable supporting sentence.

How is a topic defined in linguistics?

In linguistics, a topic is the subject of a clause that is being talked about or described. It is often the element that comes first in a sentence and is what the rest of the sentence provides information about. Topics can be marked linguistically in various ways across languages.

How you would gather information on work place safety since there is so much information how would you decide what to use and what to leave out?

If you are gathering information on workplace safety and find that too much information is available, you will decide what information to work with on the basis of what specific question about workplace safety you are trying to answer. If you tried to gather all the information there is on such a broad topic you would be gathering information for an encyclopedia or a wiki. Most people will need to narrow their topic to something less broad.

Which text aid would help you the most if you were trying to locate specific information abot something?

An index or a table of contents would be the most helpful in locating specific information about something. These text aids provide a roadmap of the content within a text and can direct you to the exact pages where the information you are looking for is located.

What is the answer for page 22 in mentoring minds reading level 3?

I do not have access to specific pages or content from the Mentoring Minds reading level 3 book. However, if you provide a specific question or topic from page 22 that you need help with, I would be happy to assist you.

What does narrow topic mean?

When you're talking about topics, narrow means more specific and broad means less specific. A broad topic would be "Trees," while a narrow topic would be "Deciduous trees of the Southern United States."

Is why are you looking at correct?

I am designed to assist users with information and tasks based on their queries or prompts. If there is a specific question or topic you would like help with, feel free to ask.

A piece of evidence from an encyclopedia would be an example of?

a supporting detail from other sources apex:)

Can you do discussion writing?

I can provide information and answer questions on a wide range of topics, but I'm not able to engage in a back-and-forth discussion as a human would. Feel free to ask me questions or for information on a specific topic!

Where would one go to find information about people pages?

The people pages are also commonly known as the White Pages. To find out more information about them there is the printed White Pages as well as it's official website.