

Where was Apollo 11 located?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Where was Apollo 11 located?
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Where is The Apollo 11 Cave located?

Namibia, Africa. For those that are unsure of what the Apollo 11 Cave is, it is the spot where Africa's oldest known paintings were excavated. They were found in 1969, the year the Apollo 11 crew landed on the moon for the first time, hence the name.

What was the Apollo 11 mission called?

Apollo 11

Is Apollo 11 haunted?

No Apollo 11 was not haunted.

How many attempts was there to land on the moon before Apollo 11?

There were six manned landings on the moon before Apollo 11: Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17.

Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

What was Apollo 11's spaceship named?

Apollo 11

Who launched Apollo 11?

N.A.S.A launched Apollo 11.

When was the Apollo 11 used?

The Apollo 11 was launched in 1969.

Of the Apollo space missions 11 through 17 which ones landed on the moon?

Apollo 11 Apollo 12 Apollo 14 Apollo 15 Apollo 16 and Apollo 17

What is the name of the pilot of the Apollo 11?

The commander of Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong, the command pilot of Apollo 11 was Michael Colins. the Lunar module pilot of Apollo 11 was Edwin Aldrin.

Where is Apollo 11 currently located?

Apollo 11's Command Module "Columbia" is currently on display at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. The Lunar Module "Eagle" remains on the Moon's surface where it landed in 1969.

What is Apollo 11's destination?

Apollo 11 went to the moon