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the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)

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Q: Where to get the non member best armor on aqw?
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Is there any non mem chaos lord armor on aqw?


Runescape the best melee armor non-member?

Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.

What is the best armor for non members?

Corrupt Dragon.He was asking for the best, not the most convenient.Rune is the best armor and the best version of it is Saradomin.

What cool non-member armors are there for aqw?

Well if u want this u need your parents permission to check there email.The armor is deadshed destroyer .You can find the item u need in the battleon newsletter then you have to claim the powergem but you'll need 2 of them .After go to Twilly in Battleon and find a icon called powergems then go to the shop and find DEADSHED DESTROYER . This is a really cool armor and hoped it helped

Are there any non member color custom armors on aqw?

well, not really. you can get the guardian armor/class, but then again it costs money. but for some other armors, like bunny berserker, it has alot of skin showing and you can change your skin color, so it can match the colors of your armor. exdeeth / / yes there is. it is called the shadow ghoul, it is entirely color custom, it does not cost any ac's and its not non member, it is also alot cooler than the guardian armor/class, and it is in yulgars suggestion shop (it is made by a player named Kris clean) and there are these non mem/non ac daggers called razzle dazzle daggers in the suggestion shop, they are pretty cheap and friggan huge and they look cool (by the way, i made a wiki answers account just so i could answer your question) hope it helps