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In Ilex Forest, there is a boy with green hair who will give you the TM if you speak to him. Afterwards, TM 02 will be available for purchase at the store in Goldenrod City.

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Q: Where to get the move headbutt in crystal?
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Where is the headbutt TM in Pokemon Crystal?

The move headbutt is deep in the ilex forest at azalea town one guy standing next to a small tree he will give it to u

How do you headbutt trees in Pokemon platinum?

You cannot headbutt trees in any game except for Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. You must teach a Pokemon TM 2 in GSC, or teach a Pokemon Headbutt from the Move Tutor in HGSS.

Which Pokemon can you get using Headbutt in Pokemon Crystal?

AnswerIf you use Headbutt on a tree in Pokemon Crystal, one of the following Pokemon may appear: SpearowHeracrossAipomEkansHoothootNoctowlSpinarakPinecoLedybaExeggcuteVenonatCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrill

Where do you catch pineco in crystal?

you use the move "headbutt" on any tree, which you can find in the ilex forest.

How do you catch An Aipom in Pokemon Crystal?

headbutt tree

What level does furret learn headbutt?

The Move Tutor can teach Furret Headbutt.

How do you get headbutt in Pokemon HeartGold?

There is a Move Tutor in Ilex Forest that teaches Headbutt.

Where do you find a pine-co in Pokemon Crystal?

they are rare in headbutt trees

Where do you find headbutt in Pokemon Crystal?

In Ilex Forest. I can't remember where...

How do you get to the man who has headbutt on Pokemon Gold?

The Headbutt move tutor is located in Ilex Forest.

How do you find the move headbutt in diamond?

There is no guy that I know of that can teach headbutt in pokémon diamond.

How do you headbutt a tree?

When facing the tree, go to your Pokemon and select the one that has the move HEadbutt. Then use it.