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In the future, theater lighting will be powered by LEDs. This will allow the fixtures to be brighter and draw less power. Traditional Leikos and Pars will still exist and many theaters will start converting traditional lights to moving lights, such as scanners and moving yolk/moving head lights. With the rollout of LED theater lights, color changes will also be much easier and be accomplished in real time. Gels will be a thing of the past. Color temperatures will be much easier to match across spectrums and across lamp age.

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Theater lighting captures the mood of the scenes being performed. It helps create the atmosphere and adds to drama. If you think of your favorite Broadway show, then imagine it being lit entirely by fluorescent lights....... that is why theater lights are so important.

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Someone can get a job with theater lighting from a number of employment websites. One can find listings on 'Creative Choices', 'Engineering Jobs', 'indeed' and 'Monster'.

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