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Q: Where is the starter relay located on a 1994 dodge spirit?
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Is the starter relay for a 1996 and 1997 Dodge avenger located in the same place?

The starter relay switch is in the same location on both the 1996 and the 1997 Dodge Avenger. The starter relay switch can be found in the fuse box.

Where is the starter relay switch located on a 1991 dodge van?

Maybe on the top of the starter - follow the + battery cable it will connect to the starter relay (solenoid)

How on a 93 dodge spirit 3.0L how do you check to see if the starter relay is bad?

from what ive read you can switch the starter relay with the horn relay and give it a try.... if she starts and the horn dont work you have a bad relay

How do you tell if starter relay is bad in a 1995 Dodge Spirit?

If a starter relay or solenoid is bad, usually you will only hear a single click when you turn the key to start the engine.

Where is the turn signal relayon a Dodge Spirit?

It is located on the fuse box next to the headlight relay.

Where is fuel pump relay located ON A 1995 DODGE SPIRIT?

On the inner fender behind the battery. There is a group of 5 relays, 3 on the fender wall, and 2 on the strut housing. the innermost one is the fuel pump relay, the outer one is the starter relay. they fin any common Chrysler relay.

Where is the starter relay for a 1988 Dodge van with a 318 engine with air conditioning?

The starter relay operates the starter soleniod. The relay is located on the firewall at about the 8 O'Clock position looking at the brake booster. It has 4 wires in one connector going to it.

What do you call the relay in between the battery and starter on 1994 Dodge Ram?

Uh....Starter Relay?

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where is the starter relay located??

What 2 wires turn over the starter on a 93 Dodge spirit so a toggle switch can be used?

Yellow(starter relay) and Dark blue(ignition run/start).